Ok lets move away from maths.
Well my birthday was fine, I think when you get older you really dont bother about it really, I had a good day, we went to church at all souls, and then Hillsong London. Hillsong London... exactly the same as hillsong. Even the leaders and singers and everything were australian. Its quite patronising to be honest, the church was established over there in 1992, and they still have it all run by australians.
anyways yeah we went to lunch at Wagamamas, of course! Oscar came along too. Then Lou, Oz and me went for a coffee, then Dad Lou and I went to the movies and saw American Dreamz. Was alright. I got one present, that was off my mate Hadleigh in New Zealand, thanks Hads, your so hot. Everyone else, isnt hot. Not impressed.
So yeah Lou flew home the next day and there was this big stuff up with the tickets and Louise didnt exist on the plane, like she does exist, I didnt make her up, but somehow the travel agent never issued her with a ticket number. Anyways after some stress we managed to get her on the plane. But ironic, she got home and her bag was left at London Heathrow. But she got it back and she is all safe and well. Glad you are Lou.
Then Dad and I had 4 days of touring London. It was cool cause I saw so many things I either didnt know about or hadnt gone to. St Pauls, where you can go to the top and see things, higher. And the big parks, like Regents park. The days were quite warm, and its amazing to see London just strip. I dont mean that in a rude way, well, its just so bizarre to see women in bikins and i even saw a man take his business suit and lie in the sun in his briefs. It wasnt even that hot. Ah well, bless em.
Went to Maddam Tussauds too and we saw famous people made out of wax. I got my photo with John Howard, Australia's Prime Minister. He was next to Jamie Oliver. Dont ask me what the connection was. And there was this section there called Horror house LIVE. Where you go through a few people at a time through these passages with cages and ripped up sheets and live actors jump out around you and pretend to be crazy murderous mental patients. Its not that fun really, haha but it was worth it, I went in first and Dad behind me and I have never heard my own Dad shout out so many times in genuine fright "ah" "ahh". I chuckle even now.
I had a great time with Dad, and was good to see both him and Lou. Dad left early Saturday morning. The night earlier, I went out with mates for my birthday.
So was kind of weird to be back alone in London (violins, and maybe a double bass start playing). But my days have been so busy since Dad left. Saturday I was so tired but went to mate Jamie's birthday lunch. I planned to stay for a bit then go home to bed, but no, what happens?? I get convinced to come to the pub. Then convinced to go to go out. But it was such a RANDOM night.
We snuck into a packed out club, where the street outside was filled with people wanting to get in, we got in through this fire exit. And then even cooler, I found out Bjork was DJ-ing, i looked across and there she was just standing there playing with records and stuff. Hey Bjork.
Was a great night, met lots of random people.
Sunday was big long sleep in and then this week has been back at Discovery channel. Am waiting on some jobs so thought, why not get paid to work back there, they need help, so am doin them a favour, they are doing me a favour, we are all happy children. Though was cool to see everyone here again. I wont be here long though, hope just a few weeks.

Well I hope I have also reminded everyone else who needs light bulbs, to buy some, and there I will leave it.
Till I ramble next time