Life on the 29th April 2007. I cannot believe its been a year since I was in Rome. It feels like 6 months maximum.
So christmas came and went. My Dad got engaged and then married last weekend to my sisters grade one teacher in my old school gymnasium.
I am working in the same production company. Spent Friday in Channel 7 walking around the studios. I saw some Home and Away actors too. Yeah thats right, my english friends ;)
I have met a fantastic man, who has come out of nowhere, and swept me off my feet, called Neal. He is a bloody brilliant human being, who I admire and am proud to know.
My dogs are still alive.
The chickens out in the yard are STILL alive too. Though since Dad has moved out we are expecting them to die cause we always relied on Dad to feed them. Anyone want some chickens? That dont lay?
I am currently going to stay and reside in Sydney. Though a trip to London is planned for later this year to visit. My job here is too enjoyable and invaluable.
I got a new duvet set.
I havent heard from my geese recently, though I think the next generation was sitting on eggs so Jake and Blake shall be proud grandparents too methinks. I will visit them later on this year.
I got new jeans.
Louise and I now have the whole house to ourselves, Dad moved out. And Andrew my brother and his wife live out the back (they got married in January and it was a real hot day with lots of summer)
My cats are still alive too.
Bring on my birthday in 8 days time.