Random. Thats what i have to call it.
Ok. last time i wrote, i was in a computer lab in the university of
warwick. Now I am writing from a spare bedroom in a little house in
abedare. Its a town in the valleys in south wales.
Right. Day 8, Friday. Spent the morning at the uni, then we hung out
with a german guy Jan in the uni bar with his gf Laura.
ME with Scott and his friend from Wales. She has such a cute accent.
We then caught
the bus back to leamington spa, a pretty little city that is called
Royal leamington spa now cause
Queen victoria thought it was pretty swell. Scott's friends collette,
nathan and natalie came on the train that night, and we hung out in a
pub for most of the night.
Day 9. Woke up. I cleaned the kitchen, cause it was horrible, and i
cant handle mess, especially after working in Gloria Jeans Engadine.
And it was a bit extreme.. the lease papers for the flat were under
cans of used baked beans. stuff like that, u know.
Then the rest woke up and after I went for a walk by myself through
the old graveyard and church yards, the sun shining through the big
oaks that were coloured reds and oranges, we all walked into the high
street courtyard. And before my eyes i saw a village market. Little
stalls lined the stone street, selling really odd things, like soccer
shirts.. ash trays.. garbage bags, all the useful things I thought i
desperatley needed.....
I bought a fresh loaf of olive bread. Then we got a bus to leamington,
and went to Costa Coffee there. Its very muvch the same as gloria
jeans, but they have english accents, and different signs.. and
different drinks.. and furniture. So actually, no its not that
similar. But the concept.. is similar. yep.
We the went through the shops and i saw these really cool dunlop
shoes. They have more styles here other than dunlop volleys, and i
went to buy them but a vamipire served me, and that put me off. Well
not really, they didnt have my size. I did the stupid thing of asking
..>..> them if they have US or UK sizes though. I had it coming, especially
when the guy looked at me blankly. he was dressed as a vampire cause
it was halloween.. they actually celebrate it. Not like oz.
We then met up with another of scotts friends Abbey. And all got the
bus back to Warwick. We went to a frozen food shop, where they sell
pretty much frozen dinners. I got chicken tika, so did collete.
thought u would want to know.
Then went back to scotts, and they are real cheap, and started havin
vodka and bitter lemon in coffee mugs, wth pictures of the royal
family on them. ohh and every morning everyone would get up and have
cups of tea. everyone does. but they think im weird cause i have it
black with two sugars, and not white with no sugar plus digestive
biscuits to dip in the tea..
ok right back on track. We went clubbing that night to a place called
sugar. Was so funky inside, in the middle there was this long long
grand table with red lit up tiles inside the table, and big wooden
medievil chairs around it. and this huge ball that was hollow and was
a huge lounge inside, but it smelt like sick. we didnt stay too long.
After clubbing everyone here walks to a chip shop like its a
pilgrimage. And gets a box of chips, covered in cheese, curry or
mayonaise. right.
We crashed back at scotts then i got up early again and went for
another walk, through this big forest/park. there are squirrels
everywhere. And lots of posh dogs, but they have owners.
We were feeling peckish and little english towns are quite traditional
so all shops are shut on sunday. except the american fast food shops,
so subway and dominos were open.
2 pounds for a 7 inch pizza. we got
one each. and burnt our mouths on them, while sitting on a garden bed
next to a lamp post. yes. a lamp post, and there was a posh dog there.
All scotts friends went home and i walked to leamington (cause there
are no buses on sunday, good people) and met up with a guy who was
..>..> moving to london and looking to flatshare, same as me. Well it wasnt
too successful cause the guy was kind of disturbing, an edgey. so kept
it short.
Went to bed, then got up again.. next morning ,went for a run through
the forest.
Went to scotts uni again, hung out with him and his german pal jan. We
went to coventry. Which is next city along. man its ugly. The germans
bombed it to the ground, in WW2, and so they had to rebuild. Wasnt
much of an improvement.
Monday night i just stayed in, watched a cool bbc documentary on
egypt. Got up the next morning. .as i do.. and packed and my mate
steve picked me up from warwick cause he was up that way for work, and
we headed for wales.
We stopped in at stratford. Thats where shakespeare was born. Its a
very old little town with lots of old english houses. Very cool. And
swans. They think they are so good.
We left there.. after being served a pasty by a woman that i swear was
a man.. but we wont go into that.
anyways, technically the drive from warwick to cardiff is meant to
2 hours. It took us 4. We got so lost. We ended up in the
countryside.. with hedges on both sides, and sheep across the road.
Like some movie. Then we asked a woman for directions. I couldnt
understand here, steve could. Im glad. Ok so we got to wales and all
the road signs were in welsh. plus english.
I was dropped off in the city where my friend andy picked me up. We
walked along the cardiff bay harbour. Was so so cool. If your a doctor
who fan, its right where one of the episodes took place. so i was
pretty excited.
Just went back to andy's house and had chicken. But got to his house
and found out an aussie guy my age was living there. Shane. So we
chatted in the kitchen for an hour, about australia. Quite sad really.
He went to cardiff cause every other aussie did the london thing. i
agree with him, but yeah not much of my work up in cardiff. Then andy
..>..> has a work party on at a pub so i tagged along. So many random welsh
people chatted to me. I cant understand them. But they found it
hilarious at how i spoke. I got a lot of free drinks out of it. Can
say to this day that I still havent bought a drink in the uk.
Got home and crashed. Got up.. and i had no idea what to do. Had
nothing planned and no schedule. Andy took me into the main centre and
i bought a tshirt. then we had lunch at henry's with tarrun, another
guy who lives at andy's, a 21 yr old kiwi guy.
then Andy headed to his work, but took me with him, he is a hotel
manager in the only 5 star hotel in cardiff on the bay. I got into the
marine day spa for free. So just chilled there for a few hours, then
had some dinner, and went out clubbin with tarrun the kiwi and shane
the aussie, it was his birthday.
I slept till 12 the next day, then got picked up in the arvo by steve
again, who drove me to wales, and we drove back to his house and i
stayed there the night. I couldnt understand his dad, his friends, or
the man who sold me some chewing gum. We went to the pub on thursday
night with steves mates. A 24 year old guy tyrone who is ex army, and
was part of the invasion team to iraq, he talked so so fast. and then
there was his other friend dan, who is an american. put tyrone
together with dan about iraq, man..
And they had no idea about anything to do with australia.
Went home, then stayed up for ages, couldnt sleep. Day 15.. Steve and
I drove around south wales in his red BMW convertable. the best thing
was, i got to drive! Along windy roads next to the seaside, with
hedges and old castles. Was a good highlight!
Then went to factory outlets and bought more clothes.. that are
actually warm. Its getting colder everyday. Had chips at a little
window cut into a surf club at a beach, two old welsh men chatted to
me, but they mumbled and spat. Said something about india.. being near
..>..> australia. And that they liked chips. Real chips, not the silly french
fries. We left it there. Said goodbye and went back home. And that
keeps everything up to date. Oh apart from the fact we went to another
supermarket. Good news everyone. they sell vegemite AND tim tams here.
and milo. im set.
So its night time day 15, and some man is interviewing harry potter
guy on late night tv. He is slapping his mouth. making noises.
So I am back off home to london tomorrow or sunday. The only incentive
to stay in beautiful south wales tomorrow is the huge rugby game,
wales verse NZ in cardiff. Right near me, and the city is alive with
activity, very very big here. 200 000 people are estimated to be in
pubs around cardiff. Tarrun and shane want me to go to the walkabout
pub (aussie pub in cardiff) to watch it. But i just want to get back
to london.. and get settled now, get some more routine.
Ok well there u have it. thanks for reading.
Chapter three, next week, only 50pence.
p.s. u can write to me, and i will reply. not like some people. esp those..