Well. Things are settling down, So i dont think i have to write one
once a week. I know that would kill a lot of people, but adjustment
and change is always necessary. It makes you stronger. So bare with
Well I got back to london after an interesting trip to Wales. Was
relieved to be back. I was ready to settle down.
I got back to oscars and went straight out to a random house party of
his friend. Was in a tiny flat in central london, most people were
speaking portugues and there were two little dogs running around. I
trod on them twice. Accidently of course. Then people attempted to
dance. In a room, and directly outside. .people were lighting
fireworks. It was guy fawkes night, was really cool. The whole of
london was just alight with fireworks. Sort of like bomb raids. 60
years on. Odd really.
Crashed into bed, then slept till like 1pm the next day. And then did
nothing but watch tv. tv is shocking here. What a great sunday. did
Monday I started the task of looking for flats. Tis rather painful.
Especially when young sydney boy didnt know where any of the suburbs
were. So used a handy "A-Z london directory" to find each place.
Vauxhaull, Brixton, Pimlico, Stratford, Euston Road, Leyton,
Leytonstone, Covent Garden. And on and on. Phew.
On Tuesday I met up with matt, a kiwi friend who is 23 on this
saturday (19th). We decided to look for flats together. He was new to
london too, and is a school teacher so we combined our efforts, along
with a loot. That is a newspaper out everyday, it even changes colour
everyday! It has all the adds for flats/flatshares in london. It was a
nightmare. We sat in a starbucks. Yes I apologise, I am a traitor, but
they dont have gloria jeans here and they tempted us cause they have
special edition christmas red cups. So I got a gingerbread flavoured
latte and we scanned "the loot". No real luck. But earlier that day I
..>had a meeting with a company that helps with new starters from oz, nz,
sth africa. told us about bank accounts, tax, health care, shoes,
coats and Umbrellas. bit detailed. Then they set up bank accounts for
us with HSBC. I got my own bank card. Very cool. That meeting took 4
hours. Painful and i was in a room full of aussies. Painful again,
cause most were loud and annoying, some wore bright yellow australia
cricket shirts, and thongs. It was 10 degrees outside. Good luck to
Wednesday I met up with my dendy boss Iain and he gave me my first bit
of work, reseached the films we are making etc and reading the scripts
and learning to look into how the industry patterns work. Was all
pretty cool. I had earl grey tea. Its bloody good. My favourite now.
And everyone has tea. I mentioned that before.
Then matt and I flat hunted again. No luck. I think other people found
a place that day, I'm pretty sure. Not us.
Thursday I had a job interview with a media agency, for the Discovery
Channel. We chatted for a bit, she called the channel and they pretty
much said, yes we will have you. Stoked.
I got a call on friday to confirm. So I was to start monday as a
scheduler. I program in tv shows. Friday night oscar and me and his
friends went out to a big club. Was so huge, never seen anything like
it. There were lots of rooms with different sorts of music. I stayed
in the indie room.
Saturday was a nothing day, slept in. Im sure ur all glad i am writing
this cause its so riveting. Went out with Lee on Saturday night, and
this chick performed. I had no idea who she was but everyone else was
screaming. so either they detested her or she was well liked. I found
out she was just voted off X factor. Shame. She sang "your beautiful"
by james blunt. I think you will know which one i mean. its been
played a few times on the radio back home as well as here hehe.
Didnt do anything sunday, but then hung out with Steven at earls court
..>on sunday night. I had work the next day so kept it early.
Monday my first day. Walked in the big doors, to reception. They had
these weird lounges and a huge poster of meercats. They phoned my boss
and they came down and i went up three floors. Huge open planned
office with huge pc screens at every desk. I met the guys around me,
all from uk except my trainer Jamie who was NZ and same with the girl
next to me. I dont know any aussies in London yet. Im proud. hehe.
Well I got the hang of scheduling pretty fast. We went down to lunch,
and everyday the menu is different, its a bug buffet, and all fresh
healthy hot food. really really cool. And we all have our own
television set on our desk "for work" but really everyone just watches
cable tv all day. its very relaxed here we can check email whenever.
so thats what i been doing. Its now thursday. And i am looking out
over london this sunny but 5 degree morning. Hope this email isnt as
Miss everyone at home, but love it here, am learning so much and
enjoying it. Let me hear your news!! And I can email ya back. since i
dont do much work here. hehe.
till next time.
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