Yes, a good deal i know, another 2 for 1 issue.
I wont hide the fact, its cause I have been busy, not cause its a
special deal about getting 2 weeks worth of news in one email.
OK where did i leave off.. before christmas.
Ok well I had a great christmas, in Windlesham, which is a nice suburb
of outer west london, in surry. Fergie lived just down the road. I
stayed with my friend stevens family and had a great christmas dinner.
And they even had gotten me presents, was so cool. good thing i bought
toblerone with me, they liked that. We played balderdash after dinner,
and i explained the rules. And I was reading out all the definitions..
and stevens mum said "oh that ones mine". She hadnt gotten the rules
yet. So we did it again, and we all finally came around to the idea of
how to play. Ignore this bit if you got no idea what balderdash is. We
also played trivial persuit, but yeah it was the english version so i
had no idea with 75% of the questions.
Boxing day, we went down to the village where the pram race was taking
place, lots of people dressed up in ridiculous outfits, running to
each pub, having a drink then goin to the next. It was so cold as

Stevens brother and his girlfriend came that day so we had another
christmas, and i got another present, the triology of taxi. A french
action film series. Seems cool.
We then played balderdash again, and noone shouted out whos was whos this time.
the next morning.... it snowed!!!! I looked outside and huge chunky
flakes of snow were falling, so i ran outside and caught some in my
mouth. I played up the whole aussie who had never seen snow thing a
bit, even though yeah i had seen it. It was a novelty for them anyways
to watch.
I got back to London and hung out with my scottish mate Jon who was
down, and then me, Jon and oscar hung out and went out that night, had
lots of fun. We watched this show called 3 non blondes, about 3 black
..>women doing random things in the streets to people. Chem, Karina and
Kylie, you would love it. As well as everyone else.
The next day, I met up with Jono, mate from my Chile team, who had
just landed in london, who is going to live up in Scotland for a year.
Was cool to see him, but bizarre cause it was odd seeing someone from
my life in australia, in london.
Ardon called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to Oxford the city
for new years and I said yes, cause it would be different. So me and
him and Oscar caught the train up on new years and turned up in the
old city of oxford. Was amazing, cause there were so many old
buildings. I was pulling around a suitcase on wheels and I fell over a
few times cause the suitcase kept getting caught in the old
cobblestones. The others found it amusing. I got angry at the bag.
We met up with ardons friend Eric and went to his pub he worked in,
and counted down to 2006. Happy New Year everyone!
It was then 2006. We said, hey everyone happy 2006. So we walked
around, in 2006. To another club. And danced to songs playing in 2006.
Had a late night and crashed at the hotel. Felt like grown ups booking
our own hotel.
Got back to london the next day and then just had a pretty laid back
few days, before I started work again.
I started looking for flats again, and i saw this good one in
stockwell so said id take it, and i was meant to move in last
wednesday, but the guy called me up and said he forgot he promised it
to someone else. That really annoyed me, but the same day I got an
email off Steven saying he was told about a flat in Brixton. So I went
to see it, and it was so good, they even asked me to stay for dinner.
I was there for 4 hours! We had so much fun. I decided to take it. So
now need to get the paperwork sorted.
and that takes me up to today, Friday the 6th of January. Tomorrow its
6 months since the London Bombings. So they are talking a bit about
..it. Speaking of the tube.. yesterday i got off at my station and
noticed i had my headphone plug swinging next to my legs.. no ipod
attached. I panicked and realised it was on the tube, but i was up the
other end of the station by then and the tube was about to leave, so i
dived onto the carriage just as the doors shut. Then I waited till the
next stop and jumped out, ran down to my carriage and right on the
seat was my ipod. Close call.
Alright then, thats my adventures. Will let you know if I actually
move into the flat and how it goes.
Enjoy summer for me!
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