Sunday... Heather and I drove to Newtown to go to the Newtown Festival. It is an annual markets/live entertainment event, and its very laid back and alternative to an extent. Just a good day for all really. Heather was going to meet up with a guy that she knows, and I said I would give her time to hang with him so went off to explore by myself. Before too long, a mate of mine I hadnt met in person yet, called me up to ask what I was doing.
"Walking around markets by myself".
"Well come with me to a cat shelter to pick up a kitten to cheer up my depressed friend".
"Oh ok, sure, why not, sounds random and you know.. crazy and stuff."
So he picked me up (forty minutes later, which involved me standing on a street corner, watching women get way too excited about cheap BBQ's outside a hardware store). He was driving a BMW and had the sunroof open and some House music on. I jumped in, he seemed nice and chatty and off we went.
Sometimes I wonder why I dive into these situations.. This was to be one of them.
Within 5 minutes, I didnt like the song that was playing and asked him to skip it, he looked across at me and gave me a bit of a shocked look. This made him not look at the road, and yeah he drove up the ass the taxi in front.
An arguement with a taxi driver followed while I stood there, then walking to where parts of his BMW lay and picking them up for him. We drove off, while the cab driver stood there still shouting at him, after they exchanged their details. A little while later, turns out we are picking up his friend he is getting the kitten for. By this stage he was on the phone to his insurance company through handsfree and explaining what happened. I got a call from Heather, asking where I was, and realised I needed to get back to the festival, this was taking way too long. So I excused myself and walked up the street, beginning to notice I had whiplash.
I called my buddy Wayne, who was free to hang out, so we did this, had lunch, then lay in Hyde Park, where my other buddy Chem met up with us. The rest of the afternoon was good.

Chem dropped me home, and Neal called me to ask to hang out, I was a bit tired but decided I should see him, even though neck was quite sore by then. I arrived home just as Dad was visiting, but said hi bye to him and left. I heard off my brother later that Dad was so surprised about my social life, how I come and go, literally.
So Neal and I had some wonderful Maccas... and had a good, honest chat. Another debrief of why we ended and having more hindsite in how to respond to that. It was good, yet sad though, realising there might not be much hope for us and so looking at a future without sharing it. Well, sharing it to the point partners would. The night ended with me saying goodbye and getting out of his car, as he sped off suddenly, his numberplate "FI5H" moving away down the street and turning the corner.
Monday Morning now, my back is killing me, and so lets bring on this week.. and fast.
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