Monday, March 30, 2009

The runway is coming up fast

So I left my job, have had a week off and another to go. I went to Adelaide and visited friends there, had a blast, and I even almost missed my plane back to Sydney and it became a Home Alone moment, where I ran for the gate and got on just as they were doing the safety instructions.

Tigh arrived and I had an awesome time. I think about a lot of loss and confusion and uncertainty, to hang out with another human being who has so much warmth, inspiration and fun, I really saw life in a great way.

I find it so hard to summarise so many weeks into one blog. Especially when I lose motivation. Life is good. I begin running very soon, into the new industry of fashion. Somehow I got there without ever planning to. Yet it feels right and good. The runway is getting closer and I gotta be prepared to land. Runway, huh like the fashion sort, no the plane sort.

Neal and I hang out sometimes. It can be hard but it can also be good. The warmth and beautiful person he is remains and its now him and I learning to work out how we can be friends and use our connection for a different purpose. Are we just naive? Who knows?

I am booking in a creative writing course soon, it shall be super! wow It better be cause my lack of words right now is quite shit.

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