So it is a week and one day, into 2011.
Do you ever feel like on NYE the world is going to end? Nah... neither do I.
What have I achieved so far. The stronger desire to keep working on where I want to go. Whatever that is. One lesson that sounds cliche but is so true... go with your gut. If you gut feels sick everyday and you feel anxious, that is a definite sign things need to change. It may go away, but its just buried and will keep coming up until you make that change. Thats my tip for 2011 people. One I should really take on board myself.
I went to Melbourne a few days ago on a whim. Went by myself as usual and just strolled. I bought my first Canon SLR, it was a 60D (if that means anything to people) and I had a lot of fun playing with it. Me and my flatmates played Putt Putt Golf yesterday and even a simple game of that, the photos came up amazing. I was stoked. The HR lady at work suggested I focus on hobbies I like, cause a lot of the time, a career can grow out of it. So why not?? I am gonna book myself into a photography course and get into it.
Another resolution, I need to switch off all gay dating sites. It really is a struggle as it is so consuming. A bit lame that you need to get self assurance from.. well.. not yourself.. but from randoms online. When really, most of the time, there will not be anything natural and develop from an online experience. I have experienced it and it has been great, but just so so rare. But its easy to delete your profiles, harder to keep them offline.... Will keep trying here.
And an event just occured with a person that just told me once again, go. with. my gut.
OK, done.
Gut, heart, bliss. Call it what you will, it's that small, still voice from within that we all should pay more attention to. Helps to turn down the noise around you, or whatever you're using to distract yourself, in order to hear that voice properly. Post more photos! Miss you!