Pretty mentally exhausted right now with the loom of my job almost at the end. And the uncertainty, can be so romantic but then there are the days when it is just plain inconvenient. "I dont know what my next job is", I can say with a grin.
Just spent the weekend in Sydney. Had a few days where at the end of them my soul felt full, like I had spoilt it. And I was with Cal for most of it. Some of the highlights were Trapeze lessons and my good school bud Bede's wedding. Amazing weather all weekend and I even swam at a real beach, not like the ripples of the bay down here in Melbourne. Sorry Melbourne.
Trapeze lesson. Cal bought us a lesson as an adventure. I was fully on board but had not really processed what was involved until 15 minutes prior where I became quiet and unnerved. We were walking to the destination in Centennial Park in the city, wheeling my suitcase (it was actually my boss's overnight bag as she couldnt handle me taking my old gym bag away) and Cal noticed I went quiet. Finally the land of Trapeze appeared in the distance and it kinda clicked I was going to go swing on a Trapeze. I still dont know what they call it, the bar? Within 10 minutes they made us do stretches, hang off a bar 2 metres from the ground and then we were climbing up the ladder one by one ready to swing off for the first time. I would say it was a surreal experience and also loved that they just threw us into the deep end. After two hours I managed to swing and jump out and be caught by one of the trainers swinging from the other bar. Oh that and a broken toe and bleeding hand.

I got to read the Bible at my mate Bede's wedding this weekend. It really was an honour, because to me it was a good old friend from Christian days who showed so much love and acceptance back then and now and simply wanted me to read at his wedding. The passage was 1 John 4:9-12 and this is about God and his love for us, and the fact we cannot see God means we must love one another to express the love that God has for us. There is a lot of truth in this whether you believe in God or not, loving and accepting one another is such a basic need. When you do this, so much is easier. I stood up there proud to be holding such a symbol from my past and still see the relevance now, and also celebrating an old friend finding a companion to share his life with.

At the reception there was a polaroid camera. And it is just so cool right now to take photos with these, or more so, use a hipstamatic function on our iPhone. These are real and we had quite the laugh doing this, reminded me of 2001/2 Physics class at SSCS.

And today is the final day of Movember. And aint my Mo just beautiful... It has been fun but also been super to support organisations such as Prostate Cancer, that has affected my own family. Raised $380, thanks for those who donated! I was very chuffed and much higher than I thought it would be.

How much does it suck when you spend too much time pushing against a door that you then glance down at and it says "push". Hello December.
Quite handsome with the 'stache! You should consider keeping it!