Everyone asks me, what has happened?? Has Lloyd gone through a
dryspell, his journalistic skills have just gone through a bad phase??
To answer the question, nah, just havent had the time of effort to
really right an update.
Right now I am in Bath. no not IN THE Bath, like about 5 different
people interepreted it to mean when i called them this weekend, but
the city. Its amazing. All the buildings are so old and there are the
roman bath houses.And all the buildings have to be built in the same
colour stone. Works well really. Am visiting my mate Tom and about to
go back to London again. Had a great weekend, chillin and enjoying
fresh air. Went to watch Tom play a union game yesterday and got
introduced to everyone as the Aussie League boy. So they all said,
dont worry, we will teach you the fine art of union. But the game was
cancelled so Tom, his mate and me went to a pub and had ale all
afternoon and watched a union match on telly. Was a lot of fun. Ale is
really good!
So yeah had a good weekend away from the business of london.
Back on the home front, just been working and getting more and more
involved with Dendy films, learning to work all the programs and how
things work in that industry of aquisitions. I love it, and sometimes
a bit surreal. Like the other day my boss wasnt in, but shared the
office with this angry producer and then this director and writer of a
new film that is in preproduction. They made Blade.. if u have heard
of that.
Well yeah just worked out its been about one and a half months since i
last sent an email out so thats probably bad. Im not dead.
What else..
Usually go out with mates most nights and chat and hang out. London
life is really based on social stuff at night, even all week, cause
these winter months can suck, so we gotta stay cheerful. But its
nearly spring and all the trees are starting to bud. Its even more
exciting that seeing it happen in australia. Cause I have learnt to
appreciate coldness and hotness. 5 degrees is a fantastic day here
now, i dont have to wear 5 layers, only 4!
I have officially agreed i love Wagamamas. Its a japanese restaurant i
go to loads. There was one in sydney too. But its like a staple diet
on weekends. Yaki Soba all the way! Japanese food is the best!
Brixton is also a great place, i like it and its become my home. Every
morning i go out of the house, go and sit next to the pond, usually
half frozen over, watch all the ducks walk on the pond. And then go
visit my 4 canadian geese i adopted, two of em i named Blake and Jake,
cause it rhymes with lake. Even though.. yeah its a pond. Wishful
thinking really. Then i walk along the streets of terrace houses for
15 minutes to the tube. I used to catch the bus but EVERY morning i
would walk out to the road the bus would go past. And when it happens
every morning and ur still waking up and a bit morning moody, this can
really make you mad. So I just avoid it and walk to save on many
mornings of kicking the bus stop pole.
Coming home is different though.. i get it every night and it stops
outside tescos metro and I go in and buy humous and pita bread and
salad and fruit and go eat it. Another useful fact for everyone
I really should think beforehand what I will write in these things.
Dad and Louise come in 7 weeks. So thats pretty exciting. We have
arranged that we will stay in London for a few days, go to Italy for a
week then come back to London for a bit longer, cause they have to
meet the geese. Oh and my friends. Will be great fun, and they are
here for my birthday, so that should be cool.
Plans for the next few weeks.. is to work hard and keep proving myself
so I can possibly get this extended visa. And to just keep having fun.
I made a new friend Mel, from brisbane, who I met through Jono, she is
working here as a nanny. My first australian friend in London, yeah i
know. But yeah she is cool and we plan to hang out more, she is
looking for a good church too cause she has been to a few and they
pretty much ignored her. Welcome to London!!
Sorry for the disjointed email. Once I click send I will realise you
can edit emails before sending, but yeah sometimes its interesting
this way!
Hope everyone is enjoying the disappearing days of summer, as you head
into winter.
Like i always say, email me, its fun. and Good for the mind.
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