Right well Im bored at work so am going to write an email, whether its
of worth or not.
Well I got back from Bath and.. didnt have a bath, i had a shower. My
shower is dumb though, most uk people seem to have those bath
showers.. where u stand in the bath. and mine has no pressure, and its
either boiling hot or freezing. And their is carpet in the bathroom.
Another weird english thing. How is that practical?? And the cat
enjoys going to the toilet on that damp carpet, so then our whole
upstairs smells of.. yeah cat stuff.
There, thats my rant.
When it looks like its getting warmer, the weather turns cold. I got a
haircut this week and my head is freezing now!! But yeah everyday
there are more and more flowers out. And the ducks are playing with
each other. Yet to see the squirrels back out and about though. A fox
with a limp says hey every now and then though. I stop and look at it,
they look at me, we have a moment, then it scurries off.
What else.. last weekend my mate Tom came down, the guy i visited in
Bath. We watched the rugby again, im learning well, and kinda getting
hooked now. So much better than league. So much better. England played
france in the tri-nations and england lost by so much, I was grinning
cause all the english always remind me of the world cup win in 2003.
Where did that team go hey??
there is this great supermarket called iceland,that i discovered on
the weekend, so cheap!! we bought 12 fish fingers, 12 hash browns and
2 chicken pies for 3 pounds!! we were proud.
I have had a few close calls recently on the bus, so i avoid that bus,
as i said last episode. On friday i had this woman harrass me, she was
drunk. Tom was there and he isnt the sort to ignore people like that,
I would usually just ignore em, so he told her off. And then on
Saturday, i got on the bus and walked past a guy, he put his hand in
my pocket but took it out when he saw tom looking at him, behind me.
But both bad things happened when I was with him, and he looked out
for me. Im all safe everyone, its ok.
Today is one of those days when I want to be in oz, so i can have some
warm weather. But eh, i chose to come and will wake up tomorrow with
some good weather, yah right.
Oh and noone watch british tv if u come over here .terrible. Dont know
what's worse.. the ads or the shows.
And the commonwealth games starts tomorrow!! Im coming in early so I
can watch the opening ceremony.. 9am in the morning. woo! But england
is missing their queen. Look after her.
I am gonna send a picture of myself, taken the other night when me and
Mel were running around London doing random stuff, we even found a
sweet shop, they had great sweets.
Well Im off now, till next time, eat well and take your vitamins.
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