Thursday, February 3, 2011

Melbourne, lets have Chai.

I landed 4 days ago now. They charged me 140 dollars for additional baggage. When it was my pillow and some towels. Dad saw me off at the airport, he gave me a small note that said he supported me and loved me. In this day and age, it means a lot, especially from fathers from the generation who had fathers who would never say that kind of thing. I am lucky in that. The flight attendant did not give me such a note. She did offer me a cookie, it had apricots in it.

I lugged these costly bags onto the sky bus and then a cab from the CBD to my very generous and awesome friends Matt and Nick's house. I sat a bit spunout and surreal for a bit and then woke up enough (yeah not even jetlagged, cant have that excuse) to head to the city. Met Dan outside Flinders St Station, and had dinner in a pub, discovered midis are now called pots and scooners are now back to Pints. Brilliant. Had a great first evening.

The following days have been a combo of job hunting, flat browsing and seeing friends and exploring. I also bought a new pack of gum and some maggi noodles from a dodgey convenience store which turned out to be really inconvenient.

It begins to hit home slightly that I have a new life, and wont be seeing people as often as I used to, in Sydney, but hey, life is life. And, thinking of those who are experiencing the horror of Cyclone Yasi, cannot even imagine.

I had a fantastic set of leaving drinks with a great bunch of friends, a few photos were taken. And I say.. "a few".


  1. I think your photos are very much. I like one very much, nice to meet you!

  2. Hey, I don't actually know you but I used to live in Melbourne and would highly recommend the Morocan Soup Kitchen in North Fitzroy for an amazing cheap dining experience. Super great food at a very reasonable price. Chick Pea bake is easily my favourite food in all of Melbourne.

    Also, brunch at Mart in Albert Park is AMAZING! A favourite for any south sider.

    I'm so jealous of your move from Sydney to Melbourne. Thinking I may move back in time. Such a cool place to be. Good on you.


    ps. Cool Dad. and flight attendant.

  3. What's the significance of the top most photo lj? Nice dad too. Kind hearted. Kickass. Cheers, teevo.
